Wednesday, November 30, 2005


lesson 31: 'deepthroat' and george w. hmmm...there's a pair.
ok, got an new 'lead' from my man on the 'zaigongate' issue.
as u can c the cruciform is formed by the duplex of above sequences.
oh yeah...just what i was thinkin!
what worries me most about this is a 'linker' only does whatever the hell it does at 3bp!!! thats sounds lik trouble if u ask me.
i hav no idea what this has to do with a zaigon or a transpose OR ANYTHING AT ALL. i think im bein led up a dark alley lik a good lookin hooker leads a drunk only 4 him 2 wake up with a sore head and an empty wallet.
oh yes.
next, somethin somewhat different...
i received this pic on the right from a friend the other day, clearly some1 has been a bit handy with photoshop but it got me thinkin about the big man and how much he absolutely fascinates me.
he is so incredible. a little while ago i was readin an article in the paper on how he described his attack on Iraq as a mission from God!
apparently he "told a Palestinian delegation in 2003 that God spoke to him and said: 'George, go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan' and also 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'." of course, the White House later came out and denied that these statements were true.

my point isnt to go on a massive anti-Bush rant, we all hav out opinions on the man, i hav heard first-hand arguments for and against his policies from many people, of many nationalities, from all over the world, literally, what i want to get across at this moment in time is...he might b a mug, but he's 1 hell of an iconic 1!

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