Saturday, November 05, 2005


lesson 18: the frequent frequency has risen to new frequent levels.
wow. look at that lot! it seems that bloggin is the new ipod!
"what would u lik for christmas this year timmy?"
"well mother, i would lik to become a blogger."
not that i am complainin of course, the more we hear about each other the better we understand each other and the greater friends we become. although, when we all do eventually hook up again, we will hav nothin to say to each other cos we'll hav blogged it all!! hehe.
i do hav 1 complaint tho. if people r thinkin of startin blogs, please think about how it will look. although white writin on a black background does look amazinly cool, it unfortunately renders me semi-blind afterwards. U KNOW WHO U R! : )
also due to the new influx of bloggers i hav found myself bloggin a lot more frequently. why is this? do i hav more to say? NO. is any of it about Japan? NO. do i hav less to do in the day? NO. hmmm...mayb i just lik seein myself at the top of the growin number of blogs in my rss feed! probably.
right, somethin about Japan today...
it seems they dont celebrate Guy Fawkes here...funny that. not sure why. ill try and find out 4 ya. so its been a quiet 1.
also, i havent actually left the house today so havent actually seen much. although i got more video footage of this crazy gameshow (Japan...crazy gameshow!!! hehe) where these dudes are made up 2 look lik monkeys and the celebrity guests hav to do this song. and each guest has to do a line of this song, so the computer says 3 characters in Japanese and then the guest has to rearrange the characters in the song. then it goes to the next person and they have to do it successfully for lik 20 people or so. when some1 gets it wrong the other guests all gang up on them. but, i can DO this game. its easy, u just rearrange the words the computer says into the rhythm of the song. i cant understand how people get it wrong. mayb they dont hear the characters bein said, but even then, they should understand their own language right?
i dunno, these crazy cats.
ccchhhhhhuuuuuurrrrrr...fiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzz...wooooooooooooooo...BANG! happy Guy Fawkes night. dont blow anythin off.
sambo out.

haha. brilliant!!! i dunno tho, look at whats happenin in france...although u did say SANE people.
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