Tuesday, October 18, 2005

lesson 9: the people i hav to work with...
me and my work hommie were talking about sending our boss emails.
our idea was to make up strange things about each other that we could (hyperthetically) send to our boss to freak her out.
this is what was written about me:

"In light of your enquiry regarding my colleague Sam, I felt it my duty to bring to your notice some rather odd and disturbing behaviour of his. I don't know if you are aware of the 'fluffies' phenomenon? I believe it to be a fetishistic group of people who gain pleasure from dressing up in animal suits (rabbits, mice, badgers...), stroking each other and simulating sexual acts. Sam's interest in this practice would be of no interest to me (consenting adults can do whatever they feel inclined to in the privacy of their own homes), however, I understand that Samuel may be using his office here on campus as a kind of 'headquarters' of a local fluffies group. I also suspect he may be actively recruiting his students. He is apparently holding auditions in his office. One student tells me he calls the sofa in his room his 'casting couch' and utilises some free space at the back of the office for 'dance auditions' (the mind boggles). He has also recently made some uncomfortable remarks to me such as 'your hands remind me of paws' and 'have you ever considered wearing rabbit ears?' As you know, I am a vulnerable and delicate young woman, if this harassment continues, I feel I may be unable to come to work."

make of it what u will, u out there who know me know the truth!
now where did i put those rabbit ears?

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