Monday, October 31, 2005


lesson 14: dead man's food.
ooooohhhhhhh...ooooooohhhhhh...thats me bein a ghost.
happy halloween!
yes, its that time again where i hav to try and make halloween interestin for my little buggers. i wasnt lookin forward to it cos, bein ingerlish, i associate halloween with eggs and flour more than i do trick or treat. i was nicely surprised tho when my 'superstitions' section brought out some interestin outcomes. basically i showed em a load of superstitions like, 'dont walk under ladders', 'dont spill salt', 'smash a mirror and u get 7 years bad luck', blah, blah. then they told me Japanese ones.
there were some really cool ones so i wrote em down but left the bloomin bit of paper at work! i'll try and remember em and any ones that r good that i 4got i will let u know next time.
ok, memory dont fail me now, here goes...
'dont whistle at night cos it brings out snakes'
'sneeze 3 times means some1, somewhere is talkin about u'
'4 is an unlucky number cos, in Japanese, the word for 4 is also the word for death'
'9 is an unlucky number cos, in Japanese, the word for 9 is also the word for hurt'
'when passin food wit ure chopsticks dont let em touch (somethin to do with bones) cos its bad luck'
'its good luck if ure tealeaf stands up in ure tea'
and my personal favourite;
'its bad luck to put ure chopstick upright in ure bowl of rice cos it means ure eatin dead mans food'
any other peaches i'll post later.
sambo out.
oh, and the pic doesnt hav anythin to do with anythin, i just c it on my way to work everyday thought it was funny : )

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